Artwork Library

A French Market Place

A French Market Place

Location: France

Subject: Streetscape

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1920s

Signature: Knighton-Hammond

Dimensions: 35.5 cm x 52 cm

A French Market place is a good example to demonstrate K-H at work. The picture is incomplete but helps us understand his style and technique. The figures, which are always on the move, are sketched in at lightning speed and a daub of colour added. The semi-permanent market stalls are outlined in watercolour. The majestic architecture follows without the urgency of the rest of the composition being permanent. The figures in outline and the handcart and dog are awaiting the addition of colour but still provide the spontaneity and shows the skill of the artist’s draughtsmanship. K-H shows his skill to exploit the special ability of watercolour to convey light and space.

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