Artwork Library

Evening, Grimaldi Church, 1926

Evening, Grimaldi Church, 1926

Location: Grimaldi, Italy

Subject: Streetscape

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1926

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 45 cm x 33 cm

Knighton-Hammond inscribed this watercolour as ‘Evening, Grimaldi Church, 1926’ and it features the Chiesa dei Santi Angeli Custodi (Church of the Holy Guardian Angels) in the Piazza Angeli Custodi, Grimaldi di Ventimiglia. Bathed in sunlight, the figures give an idea of scale and movement to the composition. The architecture is depicted in an Impressionist style not being slavish to detail with much of it being dissolved into the facade. The spectator is aware of the conversations taking place between the figures. The artist was not able to get much distance away from the facade of the church in the piazza but he was able to depict the elevation of the church and the tower. He also shows the tunnel for the road which runs through part of the building.

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