Artwork Library

John, the Artist's Son

John, the Artist's Son

Location: Misterton, Somerset, UK

Subject: Conversation Piece

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1940s

Signature: Knighton-Hammond

Dimensions: 57 cm x 76 cm

This is a quick watercolour sketch of the artist’s son, John sitting on the grass. There is an instinctive feeling of light and colour. The artistic expression was clearly influenced by his feelings for his boy and he captures his character and we know it was a good likeness. One is immediately aware that dialogue is taking place between the sitter and the artist and that in turn is transferred between sitter and spectator. There are a few traces of charcoal in the outline of the figure but the majority is pure watercolour applied with the brush at speed. The vigorous figure drawing with its stress on anatomical detail sits comfortably as a balance composition as the background projects John into the space of the spectator. This is not easy on a flat piece of paper but that illusion is the skill of the artist with effortless ease and gracefulness. There is a great charm in the gentle radiance of John’s fresh colours and in the soft atmosphere which envelops his figure.

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