Artwork Library

Mary and her mother sitting on a seat

Mary and her mother sitting on a seat

Location: Monte Calvario, Porto Maurizio, Italy

Subject: Conversation Piece

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1920s

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 33.5 cm x 33.5 cm

Mary and Her Mother sitting on a seat was painted during the artist and his family’s staying with architect friend Edgar Wood at his home in Monte Calvario, Porto Maurizio. Edgar Wood was an architect from Manchester who moved to a converted monastery before designing and building a new home nearby at Monte Calvario. Knighton-Hammond may well have known Wood from Manchester and during the late 1920s spent a good deal of time travelling from his home in Cap Martin to visit him. The ornate seat on which the artist’s wife Emmeline (second wife) and daughter Mary are sitting was designed by Edgar Wood. This is one of a number of pictures of wife and daughter sitting on the seat. This would have been a very quick and fluid painting in a very impressionistic manner.

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