Artwork Library

Mrs Knighton Hammond

Mrs Knighton Hammond

Subject: Portrait

Medium: Pastel

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 59.5 cm x 46.5 cm

This pastel of Emmeline (May) Knighton-Hammond demonstrates how talented the artist was with the chalks. The articulated drapery received much attention in this portrait and the striking colours are kept fresh with pure direct pastel. The hair is cleverly depicted with texture and tonal highlights. The colourful clothing is exemplary as is the wallpaper in the background and one feels the sitter is projected into the space of the spectator – there is a definite disposition of space between the background and the sitter.

K-H’s penetrating powers of observation were perhaps made easier with this portrait of his beloved wife. He goes beyond the merely physical to achieve a psychological likeness, communicating the soul and tenderness of the sitter conveyed particularly by her eyes and expression.

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