Artwork Library

The Old Monastery, Monte Calvario

The Old Monastery, Monte Calvario

Location: Porto Maurizio, Liguria, Italy

Subject: Landscape

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1920s

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 31.5 cm x 41 cm

This picture features the Old Monastery at Monte Calvario, Porto Maurizio. It sits high up overlooking the Mediterranean coast in Liguria. For a while this was the home of the artist’s Manchester architect friend, Edgar Wood. The Knighton-Hammond family were frequent visitors during the later 1920s and early 30s. The watercolour is painted with great freedom in the style of the Impressionists. The light appears to be at the forefront of the artist’s mind. The shadows cast by the trees are not represented in the colour with an absence of light but colour of a different value – a feature of the Impressionists.

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