Artwork Library

The Smithy, Woodford, Cheshire 1912

The Smithy, Woodford, Cheshire 1912

Location: Woodford, Cheshire, UK

Subject: Interior Scene

Medium: Etching

Date: 1912

Signature: A Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 19 cm x 25 cm

The interior of The Smithy at Woodford represents the technical virtuosity of Knighton-Hammond’s draughtsmanship. All the intricate details of the building fabric, equipment, materials and tools would have been painstakingly described with the etching needle into the wax on the etching plate. The open door and window allow light in and creates light and shade which the artist cleverly depicts with the amount of hatching and thus the ink left in the plate. This is an exercise in linear form description using line alone. One can feel the atmosphere of this workshop and its functionality and clearly shows the artist’s skill as an etcher.

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